Last week Ursula came to my upper east side Dramatics location looking for a quick cut. However, after talking for a while, she let me know that she was also in desperate need of someone to help her with her color.
A couple months ago she realized that her hi-lights were making her too blonde and decided to go back to natural so that she could start over. Unfortunately, Ursula's tinted ends had faded alot and had started to develop a slightly green tone to it (hey at least it wasn't
brassy). She was under a slight time restraint, so I has to make the color a single process and fortunately for her I knew exactly what to do.

I wove caramel hi-lights throughout her sides and

crown and blended her ends with some low-lights. The process was simple and fast and I really just gave her a simple and flattering haircut but the reason I posted these pictures is because it just turned out so beautiful and it only took a little more time than the haircut alone showing that you should never settle for having unsatisfactory haircolor when you could easily have this:

Stylist: Rain
Client: Ursula
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